Humavol Grape


HUMAVOL X² PUMP™ is a performance enhancing Pre-Workout Advanced Formula that combines revolutionary ingredients, resulting in the most cutting edge muscle enhancing supplement today.HUMAVOL X² PUMP™ is the complete pre-workout NeuronTrans supplement. It uses scientifically proven compounds to “get your soul in the routine” (1, 2). The synergistic effect of the combined ingredients Matrix creates a steady flow of NO (Nitric Oxide) over an extended period of time, improving athletic performance and recovery. 
HUMAVOL X² PUMP utilizes the latest performance enhancing complex compounds in order to achieve optimal creatine absorption, proper  functioning  and cell volumization (3, 4, 5). Each serving provides 19165 mg of active ingredients per serving resulting in a greater intracellular flow of fluid and nutrients to the muscle cell.* This increased flow of fluid and nutrients promote muscle recovery and stimulate protein synthesis. For Increased strength and endurance HUMAVOL X² PUMP uses the latest scientifically proven compounds to deliver anabolic technologies with 100% efficiency, triggering instant metabolism, muscle explosion and growth (3, 4, 5, 6, 7). HUMAVOL X² PUMP promotes a much fuller muscular appearance since HUMAVOL X² PUMP engorges the muscle cells with creatine, fluid and nutrients causing a super compensation effect. 
HUMAVOL X² PUMP sustains nutrient delivery throughout the workout and during post-workout time